
Table of contents

  1. Uploading datasets
  2. Running uncurl
  3. User interface
  4. Scatterplot views
  5. Barplot views
  6. Cell labels
  7. Gene set databases
  8. Merging and splitting clusters, re-analysis
    1. History
    2. Known issues
  9. Experimental features

Uploading datasets

upload screen
Upload screen

To upload a new dataset, select a data file containing a gene expression matrix. This file can be a sparse matrix file in Matrix Market format (.mtx, as produced by or a dense matrix as a space or tab-delimited file (as produced by np.savetxt). The file should not contain any headers or column names (e.g. gene names or barcodes). Make sure to indicate whether the file is genes-by-cells or cells-by-genes. The input file may be gzipped.

Multiple datasets can be uploaded together; these datasets will be combined. In order to upload multiple datasets to be combined, click on the "Add New Sample" button, and give a name to every dataset.

Running uncurl

Data preview
Data preview

After uploading the data, you will eventually be redirected to a view that looks like the one above. On the top, there are two plots. The plot on the left shows the distribution of total read counts per cell. The plot on the right shows the relationship between mean and variance for all genes.

Uncurl options

Uncurl parameters
Uncurl parameters

User interface

Scatterplot + barplot
The default UNCURL-App isualization: scatterplot + barplot

After UNCURL has finished running, you will be redirected to a page that looks like the one above. The graph on the left is a scatterplot that shows a dimensionally reduced view of the cells or cluster means. The graph on the right shows the top genes for the selected cluster, or relationships between clusters.

To change the scatterplot view, click on the radio buttons above the plot, circled in red. The default view shows a scatterplot of all of the cells in the uploaded dataset.

To change the cluster being shown on the barplot, click on any cell or cluster mean.

To change the color scheme, use the "Label scheme" dropdown. This also allows you to upload a new color scheme for visualization.

Double click on a cluster name to see only that cluster. Single click on a cluster name in the legend to toggle its visibility.

Mousing over the top right of the plot will show a control panel. This allows you to zoom in/out, select cells, or save the plot.

Scatterplot views

You can select different views for the main scatterplot by clicking on the radio buttons above. There are a number of different scatterplot views:

Barplot views

You can select different views for the barplot by selecting them in the dropdown on the top right of the page. There are a number of different barplot views:

Cell labels

The cell labels dropdown, below the scatterplot, allows the user to change the color scheme used for the scatterplot. If a set of categorical cell labels is uploaded or created, UNCURL-App will automatically calculate differential expression for those cell labels, which will be shown on the barplot. Here are the options for cell labels:

Gene set databases

Cellmesh view
The CellMeSH query view

UNCURL-App currently contains interfaces to three gene set databases: Enrichr, CellMarker, and CellMeSH. These databases can be used to aid in identifying cell types corresponding to clusters.


CellMeSH is the default database that can be used to help identify the cell type of a given cluster. CellMeSH currently includes human and mouse genes/cell types.

To use CellMeSH to identify the cell type of a cluster:

  1. Click on a cell on the scatterplot. The set of genes used in the cell type query are the same genes that are shown on the barplot. Changing the barplot view will change the genes that are used for querying.
  2. On the very bottom of the screen, click "Submit CellMesH query". Then, a list of cell types will be shown, ordered by descending similarity to the query.

Other gene set databases can be queried in the same way as CellMesh.


This is the same as the CellMeSH database, but it allows queries for tissue types and organs rather than just cell types.


This is an interface to the Enrichr tool ( This does not include all gene set libraries present in Enrichr, just the ones that might be helpful in identifying cell types.


A copy of the CellMarker database can be used for cell type identification/gene set querying.

Gene Ontology

This is an interface to a subset of Gene Ontology, allowing the user to identify GO terms that have a significant overlap with the query.


This is an interface to a subset of the KEGG Pathway Database.

Merging, splitting, re-analysis

Reclustering - In this example, two clusters have been selected, and can be merged.

Using the scatterplot, the user can merge or split existing clusters, or create a new cluster from selected cells.

To merge multiple clusters:

  1. Mouse over to the top right corner of the screen, and select either the "Box Select" or "Lasso Select" tool.
  2. Draw a border around the clusters that should be merged. You should see a text box below the scatterplot that mentions the selected clusters.
  3. Click on the "Recluster" button below the scatterplot, and then click "Merge clusters".
  4. Wait for the process to finish. It might take around the same time as the original data upload.

To split a cluster:

  1. Click on a cell belonging to the cluster that should be split.
  2. Click on the "Recluster" button, and then click "Split clusters".
  3. Wait for the process to finish. It might take around the same time as the original data upload.

To delete a group of cells:

  1. Mouse over to the top right corner of the screen, and select either the "Box Select" or "Lasso Select" tool.
  2. Draw a border around the cells that should be deleted. You should see a text box below the scatterplot that mentions the selected clusters and number of cells.
  3. Click on the "Recluster" button below the scatterplot, and then click "Delete cells".
  4. Wait for the process to finish. It might take around the same time as the original data upload.

To assign a group of cells to a new cluster:

  1. Mouse over to the top right corner of the screen, and select either the "Box Select" or "Lasso Select" tool.
  2. Draw a border around the cells that should be reassigned.
  3. Click on the "Recluster" button below the scatterplot, and then click "Create new cluster".
  4. Wait for the process to finish. It might take around the same time as the original data upload.

To re-run UNCURL-App on a subset of cells or clusters:

  1. Mouse over to the top right corner of the screen, and select either the "Box Select" or "Lasso Select" tool.
  2. Draw a border around the cells or clusters that should be reassigned.
  3. Click on the "Reanalyze" button below the scatterplot. Then, click either "Sub-select cells" or "Sub-select clusters".


Every reclustering action generates a log entry. Clicking on the "History" tab, below the scatterplot, shows the log of previous actions, from oldest to newest. Selecting "Restore previous" will restore the clustering analysis to the state before the selected action.

Known issues

Sometimes, after starting a re-clustering operation, the page will be stuck on the loading screen for much longer than expected. There is a good chance that refreshing the page would solve the issue, so if the re-clustering takes longer than the original data upload process, just refresh the page..

Experimental features

These features are not supported.

Cell similarity search

This queries for the selected cluster using annotated RNA-seq libraries. Currently this is not available on the online server.